Parkinson's disease

Biomarker assay drug efficacy assessments and therapeutic uses

Parkinson’s disease GLP/GCP biomarker assay

パーキンソン病 LRRK2 評価

Parkinson’s Disease Sample Requirements

Di-docosahexaenoyl (22:6)-BMP

Di-docosahexaenoyl (22:6)-BMP

Bis(monoacylglycerol)phosphate (BMP) is a unique lysosomal phospholipid that plays important roles in lysosomal degradation pathways. The di-22:6-BMP, a specific species of BMP, is Nextcea’s patented biomarker of lysosomal storage dysfunction for Parkinson’s disease (LRRK2 mutation) diagnostics, drug efficacy assessments, and therapeutic uses. The di-22:6-BMP is measured in urine and plasma/serum to evaluate the impact of LRRK2 kinase inhibitors on lysosomal functions.

Bis(monoacylglycerol)phosphate (BMP)はリソゾームリン脂質の一種で、リソ ゾームの分解経路における重要な役割を担っています。BMPの特有の分子種 di-22:6-BMPは、Nextceaが特許権を持つリソゾーム貯蔵不全の特異的なバイ オマーカーで、パーキンソン病(LRRK2変異)の診断、薬効評価、治療への利用 が考えられます。リソゾーム機能に対するLRRK2キナーゼ阻害剤の効果を評価 するために、尿・血漿/血清中のDi-22:6-BMPを測定します。

In Figure 1, Urine di-22:6-BMP decreased following administration of LRRK2 inhibitors (MLi 2, PFE 360, and GNE-7915) in nonclinical animal studies presented by Michael J Fox Foundation [1][2].

Michael J Fox財団が提供した非臨床動物試験で、LRRK2阻害剤(MLi-2、PFE-360、GNE- 7915)の投与により尿中di-22:6-BMP量の低下が認められました[1][2]。

Figure 1

Figure 1

LRRK2, BMP, and Parkinson’s disease


Parkinson’s disease is linked to mutations in the leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2). These mutations impair endolysosomal/ lysosomal function and are neurotoxic [1][2]. BMP increases with lysosomal dysfunction associated with neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson’s disease [3][4]. Decreased BMP is observed in LRRK2 knockout rodents and animals treated with LRRK2 inhibitors, reflecting LRRK2 kinase activity. Di22:6-BMP provides an important tool for researchers to evaluate the effectiveness of new drug candidates to treat idiopathic and genetic forms of Parkinson’s disease (i.e., LRRK2, GBA, and PINK1).

パーキンソン病は、Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2(LRRK2)の変異と関連づけられています 。これらの変異によりエンドリソゾーム/リソゾーム機能が悪化し、神経毒性が生じます[1][2]。 パーキンソン病を含む神経変性疾患に関連したリソゾーム機能不全に伴って、BMPの増加が 認められます[3][4]。LRRK2ノックアウトマウスやLRRK2阻害剤で処理した動物では、LRRK2 キナーゼ活性に反映して、BMPの減少が認められます。Di-22:6-BMPは、新薬候補の薬効 評価を行う研究者たちにとって重要な手段となります。

In Figure 2, urine was collected from healthy donors, idiopathic PD patients, and LRRK2 G2019S mutation carriers with and without PD. Di-22:6-BMP and its 2,2’-di 22:6-BMP isomer were quantitated, with an authentic reference standard and internal standard, by high resolution UPLC-MS/MS. Biomarker concentrations in urine were normalized to urine creatinine. The di-22:6-BMP biomarker and its 2,2’-isomer were each >3-fold higher (p-value ≤0.0001) in LRRK2 G2019S mutation carriers, than non-carriers with and without PD [5].

In Figure 2, urine was collected from healthy donors, idiopathic PD patients, and LRRK2 G2019S mutation carriers with and without PD. Di-22:6-BMP and its 2,2’-di 22:6-BMP isomer were quantitated, with an authentic reference standard and internal standard, by high resolution UPLC-MS/MS. Biomarker concentrations in urine were normalized to urine creatinine. The di-22:6-BMP biomarker and its 2,2’-isomer were each >3-fold higher (p-value ≤0.0001) in LRRK2 G2019S mutation carriers, than non-carriers with and without PD [5].

The BMP biomarker levels in human urine

The BMP biomarker levels in human urine

Figure 2

Figure 2

Accurate LC-MS/MS Quantitation


Nextcea provides non-GLP and GLP LC-MS/MS assays for the quantitation of di-22:6-BMP in animal and human matrices. We employ a true reference standard for sensitive, specific and accurate di-22:6-BMP quantitation.

Nextceaは、動物及びヒトサンプル中のdi-22:6-BMP定量のためのLC-MS/MS分析(非GLP 及びGLP)を提供します。定量には真の標準物質を用いるので、高感度、特異的、正確なDi- 22:6-BMP定量が可能となります。

Nextcea’s patented biomarker di-22:6-BMP for lysosomal storage disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease (LRRK2 mutation) diagnostics, drug efficacy assessments, and therapeutic uses.

Nextceaの特許取得済みバイオマーカーdi-22:6-BMPは、パーキンソン病(LRRK2変異)など のリソゾーム貯蔵不全の診断、薬効評価、治療などに利用できます。

patents di226BMP di-22:6-BMP



  1. Fuji RN, Flagella M, Baca M, Baptista MAS et al. (2015) Effect of selective LRRK2 kinase inhibition on nonhuman primate lung. Science Translational Medicine. 7(273): 273ra15. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaa3634
  2. Baptista MAS, Merchant K, Bryce D, Ellis M, et al. (2015) LRRK2 kinase inhibitors of different structural classes induce abnormal accumulation of lamellar bodies in type II pneumocytes in non-human primates but are reversible an without pulmonary functional consequences.
  3. Miranda AM, Lasiecka ZM, Xu Y, Neufeld J, Shahriar S, Simoes S, Chan RB, Oliveira TG, Small SA, Di Paolo G (2018). Neuronal lysosomal dysfunction releases exosomes harboring APP C-terminal fragments and unique lipid signatures. Nat Commun 9(1):291. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02533-w
  4. Miranda AM, Di Paolo GD. (2018) Endolysosomal dysfunction and exosome secretion: implications for neurodegenerative disorders. Cell Stress. 2(5):115-118. doi: 10.15698/cst2018.05.136
  5. Alcalay RN, Hsieh F, Tengstrand E, et al (2020) Higher Urine bis(Monoacylglycerol)Phosphate Levels in LRRK2 G2019S Mutation Carriers: Implications for Therapeutic Development. Movement Disorders, 35(1):134-141 Parkinson’s LRRK2 disease BMP biomarker